Welcome to Central Illinois Emmaus Community Welcome to the Central Illinois Emmaus web page. Now you will have information literally at your fingertips about Emmaus to make it easier than ever to stay connected to your Emmaus experience and participate in the events that will keep you on the path that God has enlightened for you. Please be sure to bookmark this page for easy reference and tell all your friends about the site so that we can maximize its usefulness to the Central Illinois Emmaus community. DeColores! Central Illinois Emmaus 3617 Edinborough Ct Springfield, IL 62704-5570
The Upper Room
What would you give to spend three days with Jesus?
He’s inviting you to do just that.
Men gather for three days beginning at 7 pm Thursday and gather until 5 pm Sunday and women gather a couple weeks later Thursday through Sunday.
A Walk to Emmaus is an ecumenical Christian renewal movement designed for and led by laity. No denominational indoctrination, no discussion of divisive issues, just three days of sharing Christ and the life he offers all who would simply accept it. It is a weekend devoted solely to Jesus. It’s not a club, nor a movement, nor a clique and certainly not a cult. Just Jesus.
Does your faith need a boost? Do you have questions that weigh on you? Do you wonder if Jesus is real? Do you have struggles that don’t seem to end? Do you wonder if the life He offers is really worth it? Do you really need to know how much He loves you? Do you love Him and just want to spend some time with Him?
If you take the risk, it will be worth it. Any time you take three days out of your life and devote them to Christ, He shows up. We don’t know how, when, or in what form, but we know He does.
Consider this an invitation from Jesus himself. And if you’d like to respond, let us know. We would consider it an honor to sponsor you. Just let us know on this website's Contact Us page and we’ll be in touch. Questions? We will answer all of them fully.
We encourage those of you who have benefited from the Walk to Emmaus to post your stories as an encouragement to those who are interested on our CIE Blog page on this website. And if you’ve benefitted, we hope to see you on that important moment Saturday night at our next walk. Just check the Upcoming Walk Dates page on this website for dates of the next set of walks.
Love is in the air, and it carries the sweet fragrance of Jesus!
He’s inviting you to do just that.
Men gather for three days beginning at 7 pm Thursday and gather until 5 pm Sunday and women gather a couple weeks later Thursday through Sunday.
A Walk to Emmaus is an ecumenical Christian renewal movement designed for and led by laity. No denominational indoctrination, no discussion of divisive issues, just three days of sharing Christ and the life he offers all who would simply accept it. It is a weekend devoted solely to Jesus. It’s not a club, nor a movement, nor a clique and certainly not a cult. Just Jesus.
Does your faith need a boost? Do you have questions that weigh on you? Do you wonder if Jesus is real? Do you have struggles that don’t seem to end? Do you wonder if the life He offers is really worth it? Do you really need to know how much He loves you? Do you love Him and just want to spend some time with Him?
If you take the risk, it will be worth it. Any time you take three days out of your life and devote them to Christ, He shows up. We don’t know how, when, or in what form, but we know He does.
Consider this an invitation from Jesus himself. And if you’d like to respond, let us know. We would consider it an honor to sponsor you. Just let us know on this website's Contact Us page and we’ll be in touch. Questions? We will answer all of them fully.
We encourage those of you who have benefited from the Walk to Emmaus to post your stories as an encouragement to those who are interested on our CIE Blog page on this website. And if you’ve benefitted, we hope to see you on that important moment Saturday night at our next walk. Just check the Upcoming Walk Dates page on this website for dates of the next set of walks.
Love is in the air, and it carries the sweet fragrance of Jesus!